Imperial County


Following the direction and guidance of the Imperial County Board of Supervisors in early 2015, selected consultants collaborated with the County Executive Office, county department heads, county staff and other stakeholders conducting a series of workshops to collect vital information to compile the Imperial County 2020 Strategic Plan.

The Strategic Plan is intended to provide context within which the county and region can plan and carry out specific actions to achieve measurable results toward the strategic priorities – or goals.

Through this collaborative approach and effort, the Board of Supervisors’ has established both a Mission and Vision Statement as well as endorsed four strategic goals that will serve as guiding principles for the implementation of strategies to achieve the shared Vision for Imperial County.


Building opportunity by leading California’s renewable energy future while remaining true to our rich agricultural heritage

Mission Statement

To provide a five-year framework to improve quality of life in Imperial County

Goals/Guiding Principles

Identity & Image

To cultivate a strong sense of community pride by enhancing the environment, creating opportunity and articulating the county’s issues and assets to the world.

Economic Development & Job Creation

Develop mechanisms to foster a robust economy, solid educational opportunities and jobs.

Customer Service & Efficiency

Create a culture service excellence among all county departments and constituent agencies.

Infrastructure & Sustainability

Foster efficient utilization of all resources in Imperial County: human, natural and environmental.